Another step forward

Yesterday (Tue 13 Apr) was a big day for Valent – she was moved round to Hamble Yacht Services (HYS) and will now undergo the rest of the refit. The mast is coming out today and then she will be moved into a shed. Whilst in the care of the lovely people at HYS, Valent will have lots of deck work done to ensure that she is watertight, a new hot water system and lots of other small internal jobs. In addition the Hydrovane, Watt&Sea HydroGenerator and Watermaker will all be installed. When she comes out of the shed the new standing rigging will go on and all being well, Valent will be ready to go by the end of May and the half term holiday.

In the meantime, we managed to take advantage of the easing of restrictions and booked ourselves onto the 1 day first aid course. The whole family went, and the girls thoroughly enjoyed the day, asking lots of questions and fully immersing themselves in the learning experience. So much so that they turned an 8 hour day into a 9 hour day. Here you can see them practising their CPR and learning how to use a defibrillator. A great day with Steve from Technical Recreational Coaching. He made the girls feel very comfortable with the day and ensured they got a special certificate at the end.

The girls going through all the stages of CPR, checking the airways, getting the compressions in and then giving the rescue breaths.