by Sophie
When we were in Tobago Cays, we did lots of snorkelling. It was amazing!
At Petit Bateau, I saw a ray among the coral reef, only a few metres off shore. It was incredible! It was the first ray I had ever seen in the wild, and the closest I have ever got to one.

At Petit Rameau, which is a turtle sanctuary, I saw lots of huge starfish, each around half a metre in diameter. There were also lots of small rays close to the seabed, when you got into slightly deeper waters. We also saw three turtles. One larger one and two smaller ones. They would dive down to the bottom and then come up for air. They were beautiful.

In Petit Byahaut, St Vincent, there were some interesting shapes of coral. There were some large ones that looked like giant leaves, and some curved ones that looked like brains, but my favourite were the yellow tubes. There were lots of small clusters of them, dotted all over the bay. They looked like straws, or chimneys, stuck together in a bunch and painted yellow.

Back in Tobago Cays, in the section of the reef near Jamseby, there was a pufferfish. It was blue around the edges with some greenish brown in the middle. I followed it through the seagrass for a bit, before it turned into deeper waters.

There was so much more to see at Tobago Cays and the other islands, but these were my favourites.
Getting more envious with each post!
I did some SCUBA diving when I was a student in Bristol, then real life hit! I only ever managed 1 sea dive, cold murky Cornwall, not a patch on your snorkeling. Go for it while you can. Say hello to Lucy & Mum & Dad for me.
Wow you saw rays! We’ve seen a turtle, lots of different fish in the BVI’s but never a ray. Lucky you. Any barracuda’s? I saw one under a jetty, when he turned to look at me I decided it was way too close and I made a hasty retreat🙃 love Sarah
Sound like you have the hang of snorkelling. Amazing pics. Must put Tobago Cays on the list of places to visit.
Well done, Sophie. We’ve read it with great interest and the pictures are amazing.
Love Granny and Grandpa