With her crew now arrived and ready to depart, Valent set sail from Jolly Harbour Antigua this afternoon, Monday 6th May, on the start of her Atlantic crossing. Left to right beside Will in the photo below are Sean, Noah and Alex.

The plan is to go initially north to Saint Martin as a short first sail, to complete provisioning there over a few days, and then to sail direct to the Azores, although with a possibility of going via Bermuda if weather conditions dictate. From the Azores the route goes direct to the UK, aiming for Plymouth, although as always with sailing, plans are subject to change!
To follow Valent’s progress at sea, you can look at our blog page “How to Follow us at Sea”, and choose the first link, which is the Yellow Brick tracker. (The other two links only work when Valent is close to land and therefore will not work across the Atlantic). There will also be blog updates from Valent as their journey progresses.
Enjoy your epic transatlantic crossing Noah,& cherish every moment.
Wishing you a safe journey back!
Safe travels and fair winds!
Good luck Will et al
Bon voyage Will!
Have a safe trip!xxx