Overt the last couple of weeks we have gone back and forth a bit between Plymouth, Helford and Falmouth, but yesterday Thu 25 Aug we finally arrived in the Isles of Scilly. We have dropped anchor in Porth Cressa on the South side of St Mary’s and plan to move again on Saturday. Going back a couple of weeks we arrived in the Helford to be greeted by the Red Arrows.

We spent an enjoyable week in the Helford as the weather gradually broke. We managed to do lots of geocaching, visited the NT garden at Glendurgan (and completed the maze). On the beach at Helford Sophie found a ‘Mermaid’s Purse’ – more specifically the leftover egg-case from Sharks and Rays. Following our detective work and a visit to the National Aquarium in Plymouth we think this one is from a Spotted Ray. Not to be outdone I found a complete Scallop, the shell being about the size of my palm. Just about big enough to eat, but we decided that it could become a bigger Scallop, and 1 small one does not go very far.

Getting short of water and needing some supplies before heading to The Scilly Isles we set about finding a marina that could fit us in. (Did I mention that we also wanted to do a big wash of bedding & towels, we still have to do the mundane). Falmouth were too busy, and ultimately returning to Plymouth became the best option – especially as we learnt that the National Firework Championships were occurring on the 17/18 Aug. Additionally, Andy Willet and family were also in Plymouth and it was an opportunity to say Hi. Even better, Andy was moored in Sutton Harbour with a grandstand (well a waterside perfect) view of the display. Wednesday was dry and mild, and the display was amazing. The format is 6 of the best display companies in the UK each out on a 10 min show, 3 displays per night. Each is trying to outdo the other, and at the end a National Champion is crowned.

As the forecast gradually showed some better weather on the way, we started making plans to get back across the bay and on to The Scilly Isles. A trip to Falmouth was enjoyable. Trago Mills was a chaotically wonderful as ever and we had the pleasure of meeting Kaizen and her intrepid crew. Kaizen have been away sailing around the world for the last few years, covering the Covid lock down and numerous other challenges. Falmouth last week was their return evening to the UK and it was a privilege to have dinner and drinks with them. A lot of useful information was gleaned. On the way they sold a boat in Tahiti, got stuck in Australia and bought a boat in New Zealand. Restocked, we departed Falmouth, but a very wet forecast saw us just pop back to the Helford for a night to wait for the sun. Whiling away the time we thought about a spot of fishing and managed to get a decent mackerel. A fresh mackerel starter went down a treat. Both girls gave it a big thumbs up. Then it was off to St Mary’s. The day was sunny, increasingly breezy, but a great dolphin display early on brought a smile to all faces. Finally we made it, anchored in Port Cressa and settled back down to the routine of morning school work and afternoon exploring. There was time before breakfast for Lucy to catch her first fish – mackerel is back on the menu.

Let’s see more photos of your lovely boat
Would be great to see how your final mods to Valent are coming on, and what you have done to her since purchase. What sort of condition was she when you first saw her?